OpenStack Bulk Job Runner

As OpenStack projects grow its likely that a given project will spawn several repositories and will share code snippets across them. If you're ever in need of updating a mess of repositories all at the same time these steps, and linked script, can help you identify all repositories governed under a single project and run some type of bulk job(s) across them.

Getting a list of all repositories under a given project's governance.

First, clone OpenStack Infra's project-config repository.

git clone project-config

Next, change directory to project-config, this was just created when you cloned the repository, and use the following bit of python to parse the projects.yaml file and print all of the known repositories.

PROJECT_GROUP='openstack-ansible'  # This should be set to your project group.

import yaml  # Note this will need to be present on the system.

with open('gerrit/projects.yaml') as f:
    projects = yaml.load(

for project in projects:
    pgs = project.get('groups', list())
    dig = project.get('docimpact-group', 'unknown')
    if PROJECT_GROUP in pgs or PROJECT_GROUP in dig:
        project_entry = project['project']
        project_github = '' % project['project']

The previous snippet prints the GitHub URL for all of the repositories. If this was fed into a bash variable using a here document, you could simply loop over the results and clone the repositories.

python <<EOR
PROJECT_GROUP="${PROJECT_GROUP_NAME}"  # This should be set to your project group.
import yaml  # Note this will need to be present on the system.
with open('gerrit/projects.yaml') as f:
    projects = yaml.load(
for project in projects:
    pgs = project.get('groups', list())
    dig = project.get('docimpact-group', 'unknown')
    if PROJECT_GROUP in pgs or PROJECT_GROUP in dig:
        project_entry = project['project']
        project_github = '' % project['project']

for project in ${PROJECTS}; do
    PROJECT_NAME="$(basename ${project})"
    git clone "${project}" "${PROJECT_PATH}"

Once cloned, change to the directory of a cloned repository and run whatever bulk job is needed, commit the changes, and submit them for review.

Running bulk jobs using a script.

Here's a simple script which pulls all of this together and can serve as a basic template for running bulk jobs across a sprawl of repositories. The linked script has some things which should be changed up to meet your needs.


  1. The bulk_function should be updated to run your bulk job. This could be bash, external scripts, other tools, etc.
  2. The MESSAGE constant should be updated to so reviewers know why you're making this change. This will be used when the script commits the changes and submits them for review.
  3. The BULK_JOB_TOPIC should be set for proper tracking. Typically this is used for a feature or bug tracking.
  4. OPTIONAL: Set the WORKSPACE variable to the location where you'll be storing the repositories. The default is /tmp/workspace.