New Game Plus - Rackspace

So I've once again decided to pivot, this time bringing things back home, back to the Cloud, back to where my professional career began - Rackspace.
Over the past 18 months, I've been working with Figment, a fantastic startup building Web3 infrastructure. While my team at Figment was incredible, and I will miss them, I've been given an opportunity I simply couldn't pass up: a chance to step into a new leadership position and help evolve the open Public and Private Cloud.

In 2019, I resigned from Rackspace as a Principal Engineer to begin a new journey that would allow me to grow and gain some much-needed perspective. I was largely burned out and needed something different to continue my personal growth. Over the past few years, I've gotten what I needed.
TL;DR: I've learned much, calmed down, and gotten a bit greyer
- Red Hat Engineering: focused on RHOSP, telecommunication workloads, developing novel applications, and contributing to core TripleO.
- Figment Engineering: focused on enhancing automation platforms, simplifying systems, making applications more cost-effective, and improving the performance of the fleet.
My journey over these last few years has taken me to some incredible places and has made me a better engineer, leader, and person. The people I've met have influenced my persona, and while my top five strengths haven't changed, my approach has.
Progress, not perfection, is what we should be striving for.
It's Time!
As I return to the Rack, I'm coming back fired up and wide-eyed. Rackspace is an environment of nearly limitless potential, and I'm ready to tap into some of it's dormant energy, excited to make a lot of progress.
I expect:
- Challenges
- Issues at scale
- I will stumble
- We will overcome obstacles
- We will build amazing things

So here I go again, jumping into New Game Plus: a new role, a new scope, and an age-old desire to make an impact. Like an RPG, I'm returning with battle-tested skills and abilities, a yearning to make new decisions that will continue my character growth, and an appetite to reshape some part of our cloud-powered world as valued members of a winning team on an inspiring mission.

Follow me on LinkedIn as this new adventure unfolds. With a bit of luck and a lot of determination, we're going to take the Cloud by storm.